Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Look into the Top 5 Methods of Internet Advertising

The constant evolution of the internet and the possibilities it has to offer make it a great place for firms to market their products and services. This year marketers have a lot to consider in choosing how they will go about doing so for the remainder of 2013 and beyond.
      One of the most common forms of internet advertising is Pay Per Click (PPC). This is due to change due to the problem that only about half of their campaigns are being seen by their intended audience.seo ppc marketing spend
     A very fast growing method is social media market, in 2012 Facebook signed its one billionth user and has become the best internet relationship builder on the market. Twitter has become the best way to share news and Pinterest, the hulk of visual marketing.
    Email Marketing has been known to have positive and negative effects. Many marketers have chosen the spam route which has proved to be the wrong way to go, with a conversion rate of 1 in about 12.5 million. The method companies have found to work best with email advertising is working off of an opt in list, or those who have given consent to send them emails about their products or services.
    SMS or short message service is another chosen method of getting the word out. Common with cellular companies, SMS is a method used to inform customers on new promotions via text message. With a much higher conversion rate than email and much faster execution time, SMS has proven to be a valid contender on the internet advertising front.
     Search engines have become giants in the internet advertising industry, allowing companies to occupy the white or organic space on the world wide web. Companies are constantly battling to be at the top of the list in frequent searches through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaigns. They are constantly creating new information that is SEO optimized to remain top contenders by occupying as much of that free space as possible.



  1. I think that the methods of advertising vary form country to country. For example, you mentioned SMS as a growing method for advertising. However, in other countries due to its different culture this method may not work as well as in the U.S. Nevertheless, I agree and think that here it is a valid contender on the internet advertising front.

    1. That is a very good point you make. Culture plays a major role in communication. Delivery methods tend to be different in high context societies versus low context societies. One I did not mention in this post is mobile app advertising.

  2. Another social media site that has recently announced that it will begin hosting advertisements is Instagram. Here is a link showing an Instagram advertisement.


  3. Ok, cool thank you for the link!

  4. Crazy to think that Facebook has amassed over 1 billion users. Companies can use that as an advantage to advertise their products. Email advertising is a method I don't think really works. Any email advertisements go straight to the trash for me.

    1. I agree. Any time I see an email advertisement I look right over it and send it too the trash. I am always afraid to get a virus. If email advertisements weren't riddled with viruses as they often are I wouldn't be so reluctant to view them.

  5. I have never purchase anything or went anywhere as a result of internet advertising. I'm not going to buy something just because it's on sale or go somewhere just because they have paid for an advertisement online. I like to hear about stuff more from other people. Any company can pay to be advertised online, so it doesn't do much for me but I see where companies would use social networks to promote awareness

    1. I don't think I am one to easily be led by what I see on my computer screen. Often times only a small seed is planted and perhaps I am subconsciously familiarized with an image such as a product logo, then a friend may mention the product and I can put 2 and 2 together like subliminal product recognition.

  6. I agree with James that much of this advertising is only planting a "seed" in our mind. Once we have seen a product time and time again we begin to familiarize ourselves with the product. Whether we realize it or not we begin to build a type of unconscious loyalty to this product. I think this is the goal of many of these advertisements.
